Monday, January 30, 2017

A Belated Happy Birthday To Celia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  You know, darlings, had I not been a preemie, my birth month would have been January.  Maybe that is why I have an affinity toward those born this month.  And one of those is the fabulous Celia Keenan-Bolger, the actress who can break our hears, while sporting killer hair.  Celia turned 39 on January 26--does she look it, girls?????????  of course not!!!!!!!!!!--and I cannot wait to see what she does next.  I will be there.

                                    I hope the New York Theater Community turned out for Celia's lavish birthday party.  Too bad, I was not there to cover it.

                                     Happy Birthday, Celia, looking fresh and ingenue-ish, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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