Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Always A Bridesmaid....Finally, A Bride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                "Bless this great pinnacle of Life,
                                                  Husband joined to wife,
                                                  The heart leaps up to behold,
                                                   This golden day."
                                                    --Stephen Sondheim, "Getting Married
                                                  Today," from "Company."

                                                  No, darlings, I did not sing that, or any other part of the song, at the ceremony yesterday.  It was like something out of a dream.  David and I were married yesterday at 11am, before a judge, in the Brooklyn Municipal Building.  Our two wonderful witnesses, were our friend, Judy, and the marvelous Auntie Alvin.  Who looked quite stylish.

                                                     And one guest, who was quite a surprise. Baby Gojira, looking as stylish as all get out, in his "Doctor Zhivago" outfit!  I will try to post pics in the very near future!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     We kept it quiet, darlings, but I am telling you, when we got outside, there was the paparazzi, facing us, cameras blaring, screaming questions at us.   It was like something out of "A Star Is Born"--the Judy Garland version, of course.

                                                        Really, it was all quite simple. But, once on the judge's podium, the spirit came upon us both, as we beamed at each other with love, saying "I do's," and meaning every word of it.  A princess finally awakens, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           The repast was simple--a bite to eat at Teresa's, in Brooklyn Heights.  Later this year, another, elaborate celebration will occur at our place, to commemorate both this and my upcoming retirement!

                                                              January has been a whirlwind month.

                                                               Oh, and to honor the occasion, I will present not one, but two, songs.  If I can.  Here is "Getting Married Today," from "Company." The original cast, of course!
And here is Bette, with "Chapel Of Love."

                                                                 Wish us happiness, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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