Thursday, January 26, 2017

Mark Porter Was No Cole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Actually, he was more like Iago, and that similarity would be enough to make him this week's winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.  Like Iago, Mark went to the extreme of murder.

                                   He was a glutton for  money; he could not get enough of it.  After a successful stint as a Superintendent Of Schools, in the Springfield, Missouri, area, he landed himself a six-figure job at IBM, post-retirement.   Nice, huh???????????

                                  Porter's replacement at the school job was his assistant, and good friend, Gary Tyrell.   He and his wife, Jan, had known Porter for years, as a colleague, and family friend.

                                    So, why did Porter murder both Tyrells, on April 30, 2014??????????

                                     Jan was collateral damage.  She had to be eliminated, because she was in the way.  Gary was a vast antique and coin collector, and was fairly moneyed, himself.  Except he was not greedy, nor did he have a gambling addiction--which Porter did.

                                     It seems Porter asked Gary for some cash--something like $250K--to get him out of the hole he was in.  Gary refused; I don't think he was as moneyed as Porter thought.

                                    So, what did this despicable thing do?  He killed them both.

                                    And, right about this time, their daughter, Jessica Tyrell Murray, who was close and loving to her parents, was planning to marry her fiance.  She wanted more than anything for her parents to be there, and her dad to walk her down the aisle.  When they eventually did get married, the happiness was blunted somewhat by her parents' absence.

                                     An absence caused by scumbag Mark Porter.  Well, this Greedy Gus is right where he belongs---in prison, for life.

                                      You think he would have stopped, had Gary given him that money?
                                       You think he would have stopped gambling?  Not a chance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Gary Tyrrell Was my high school history teacher as well as my college professor. I also lived two blocks from them in Springfield, You got some things wrong, firstly, they were killed April 30,2014 not August 2,2010,Secondly Gary and Jan were very wealthy, worth about a million or two, they did loan Mark E. Porter money before but he failed to pay them back.


  3. Tracy,
    Thanks for the comment. Maybe
    the program got the date wrong.
    But I agree with you that that
    was not the first time Mark
    asked Gary for money, which he
    refused. Porter was a cold
    thing, and I hope he stays in prison.
