Sunday, January 1, 2017

Welcome 2017, Dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Well, here we are, the year's first blog post. Now, honestly, who needs a New year's Baby, when there is sweet lovable Gojira, the reptile with a heart of gold?  See how happy and excited he is.  He, my beloved, Cujo, Miss Chloe, Bacci and Roxie want to wish all of you out there a happy, healthy and safe 2017.  Keep your eyes peeled for marriage updates, party invites, and all things attendant on what we know will happen this year.  As for what is not known, that will be recorded as it goes along!!!!!!!!!!

                             Happy New Year, from our house to yours!

                             Drink plenty of that morning coffee, now!!!!!!!!!!!!

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