Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Finally, A New York Eatery That Gives Many Gay Men What They Have Always Wanted--A Chance To Feel Like Rue McClanahan!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Girls, let me tell you, since I have retired, and am now on the traditional fixed income, those evenings at Cipriani's have had to be curtailed.

                                However, there is a new eatery, way uptown.  It is called "Rue La Rue," and is devoted to the memory of actress, and former "Golden Girl," Rue McClanahan.  It is co-owned by her son, and the estate's handler, Michael LaRue, and darlings, I cannot wait to go.  Rue has always been one of my models; I mean, Blanche was the only one who knew how to dress!

                                 I could see them having a Special Night, where patrons come dressed as their favorite characters.  I wonder how many butch things will show up, as Bea Arthur?????????????

                                 Located at 4394 Broadway, in the Washington Heights section of Manhattan, this is destination must for all my girls!!!!!!!!!!!  You can bet I will be seen there--holding card, just as Rue would have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Be there, or be square.  With a card attached, saying "Thank you, Rue!!!!!!!!!!!"

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