Thursday, February 16, 2017

The Whiteheads Are NOT The Bobbsey Twins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Jasmiyah and Tasimyah Whitehead are even more despicable than the more well known Pauline Parker and Juliet Hulme.   On the morning of January 13, 2010, the girls, then 16, got into an argument with their mother, Jarmecca, 34, over teen nonsense which escalated into murder--strangulation and stabbing.  They then dragged her bloody body into the bathtub, where the woman, still alive spewed out her last words to her monster daughters--"You will go to jail for this.  I hate you!"

                                   Good for you, Jarmecca!  No wonder these girls are so perfect as joint winners of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.

                                     Murder over teen-age stuff.  This mother gave them everything she could, but I guess these slattern Misses thought they were entitled to be Diana Ross!!!!!!!!!!  Sweeties, I have news for you--even Diana worked to get where she was!!!!!!!!!!!!                

                                       The crime took place in Conyers, Georgia.  The girls were convicted, and sentenced to 30 years in prison.  They should have gotten Life, and when parole comes up, I  hope it is denied.  You do not want this duo out on the streets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Filthy bitches!  They ain't no "Love Children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


  1. At least the judge ruled their sentences to be served consecutively instead of concurrently, or they would only be serving 20 years. I hope they don't get out early and I doubt they will. If you listen to the tapes of them in the back of the squad car, after their arrests, it shows how truly evil they are. They are sociopaths. They will be walking the streets in their 40's. Still young enough to do some serious harm to a lot of innocent people. I hope no one ever decides to marry either one of them one day, they'd probably end up dead.


  2. I second all you said.
    If they get out on the street,
    even in their 50's, they could still
    wreak damage. What pieces of work!
    Their poor mother!

  3. Why are so many Americans so primitive in their response to crime? They were adolescents. Lots of scientific evidence showing that teens' brains aren't fully matured, particularly with respect to empathy and consideration of consequences of their actions. They will have changed profoundly over the last few years as they have matured. Interesting that neither you nor Czechchicklet have any empathy for the predicament of 2 women being potentially imprisoned into ripe middle age for a crime committed
    when they were children. All that self justifying bullshit about them still being a danger when they're in their 40s or 50s is just self righteous cover for your vindictive and punitive pleasure in their inprisonment, it seems. Does it give you nice hot flushes. By the way, I'm sure these girls were no angels but I'm pretty sure that you two are hideous immature borderline personality disorders too.


  4. Chris,

    My personality is just fine; thank you,
    darling. While it is true what you sAy
    about the teen brain not fully developed,
    not every teen murders a parent. I
    had issues with mine at that age, but
    the very idea never occurred to me.

    These slatterns were pieces of garbage who
    deserved to be tossed away. May they remain where they are
    for life!
