Monday, February 6, 2017

When Are Barba And Tucker Gonna Bump Butts?????????????

                                  I am telling you, darlings, when Lieutenant Ed Tucker and Olivia Benson began their brief, intimate relationship--because, I am telling you, who could survive Olivia's strum und drang for long?????--you could see the sexual tension seething in that queen ADA Rafael Barba, because I just knew he was hot for Tucker, himself.  On his off hours, Barba probably trolls the Silver Daddies website, where Tucker types will turn up in droves. 

                                   What I want to see is an episode where Barba is doing this, and finds Tucker online.  They began a relationship, and the bottom with attitude (Barba) becomes more submissive as he relates to Tucker, while Daddy Ed gets more charge--both physically and emotionally--than he ever got out of dour Olivia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     You know I am right.  Ask any gay male 'SVU' viewer.  Tucker is hot, and Barba is hot for him.  It is so palpable, each time they are on screen.

                                       So, why don't the writers go with this and liven things up????  They are making such a big deal about this week being the 400th episode, that if they want to see many more, something has got to be done.

                                       How much longer can Olivia play the depressive? Booooooooooring!!!!!!!!!!

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