Thursday, March 23, 2017

Can They Pull This Off????????????

                           "They" happen to be two noted actresses--Laura Linney and Cynthia Nixon.  I love their work, and, starting March 29, they will be performing in one of my favorite plays--Lillian Hellman's "The Little Foxes."  For me, it is up there with "King Lear."  Both show the havoc some family members can wreak on one another?  And don't we all know about that, darlings????????

                             The show is to open at the Samuel J. Friedman Theatre, on West 47th Street, now under the auspices of the Manhattan Theater Club.  But, to us devotees, it will forevermore be the Biltmore, where, in the late Sixties, a little something called "HAIR," had a respectable run.

                              The last version of this play I saw was several years back, at the New York Theater Workshop.  It was restructured, modernized, and had the gifted Elizabeth Marvel give a chilling performance as Regina.  I loved it--and I did not expect to.

                              This 'Foxes' will be a traditional rendering, with the gimmick of the lead actresses alternating roles each night.  On one evening, Laura will play Regina, while Cynthia plays Aunt Birdie.  The next night, it will be reversed.

                                There is, apparently, some kind of online schedule, which outlines who is playing what role at each performance, for those, such as I, who care.  Of course, this creates a dilemma for us lovers of this play.  To get its full value, it has to be seen twice.  And, at today's prices, that is not easy.

                                 I think Laura will pull off both superbly.  Cynthia, however...well!!!!!!!!!!  She didn't do so well as Miss Jean Brodie, did she?  So, my guess is she will be able to pull off Regina, but not Aunt Birdie.  In her work that I have seen, Cynthia has never shown the kind of vulnerability needed to play the tragic Birdie.  Where is Mary-Louise Parker, when she is needed????????????

                                  Meaning you should see the play for Laura doing both roles, and just watch Cynthia do Regina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Of course it is just possible Cynthia may surprise us!  But I don't think so!

                                  To paraphrase the quote at the start of its film version--"Take....'The Little Foxes'.........for our theatrical tolerance is limited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


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