Saturday, March 4, 2017

Darlings, I Had No Idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              You all remember The Fifth Dimension, darlings, and, of course, their remarkable singer, Marilyn McCoo.  While listening to her the other day, on my favorite classic of theirs, "Love's Lines, Angles And Rhymes," I wondered what had happened to her.  When I found out, I was astonished.  I had forgotten how easy it is to forget that time moves on!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               She was born on September 30, 1943, in Jersey City, New Jersey.  She is now 73 years old, has been married forty years to hubby and group member, Billy Davis, and occasionally they still perform!  Which means she did her best work in her twenties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                This makes sense, of course, because I was in my teens, when they were climbing these charts.  But I have this blindness, or naivete, about time's passage.  Until I attended my twenty-fifth year high school reunion, I thought I was the only one who had aged; everyone else I expected to look exactly as they did, when we were in high school.  What an illusion buster that was.

                                Much the same with Marilyn.  I expected she would be as fresh and radiant as she was on this album cover.  I am sure she looks great, for her age, but I wonder how she sounds.  With the voice she had, back then, she could have sailed solo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Time moves on, girls, and Marilyn certainly reminded me of that.  But it also preserves memories, and here is the best--Marilyn performing the classic "Love's Lines, Angles And Rhymes!"

                                  Enjoy, darlings!  It still "touches the heart, in many directions!"

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