Monday, March 13, 2017

Girls, You Know Who Would Have Seen Right Through "La La Land??????????" Jacqueline Susann!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Really!  Grace Metalious took ownership for blowing the lid on small-town America, but when it came to Hollywood, Jacqueline Susann was the one to lift its lid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              And haven't some of us loved it, for the past fifty years? "Valley Of The Dolls" is still the gold standard for Hollywood expose books!!!!!!!!!!!  And the movie is a national treasure!!!!!!!!!!

                                 How I wish she were around to have seen "La La Land!!!!!!!!!!!"  I would have love to have heard her comments on it!!!!!!!!!!!  More scathing than mine; you can bet on that!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                For a sampling of The Lady's wit and wisdom, take a look at this clip from "What's My Line," around the time her novel, "Valley Of The Dolls" came out.  What's jolting about time's passage here are not the outfits, but the language.

                                When was the last time anyone heard, or used, the word "lalapalooza??????????"

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