Tuesday, March 21, 2017

On The One Hand..........WHAT??????????????? On The Other.........................

         Now, darlings, I am the first to admit the envelope can be pushed too far, when it comes to certain theatrical pieces.  So, when I heard that this group was planning a same-sex presentation of the musical classic, Rodgers And Hammerstein's "Oklahoma!," I was repulsed.  Even more so, when I heard Curly and Laurey will be played by women, while Ado Annie and Will Parker will be played by men.

           How dare the leads are not given to the men????????????

           At least Will still retains his show stopper, "Kansas City."  While the actor now playing Ado Annie will have to make one out of "I Cain't Say No!"

            But a lesbian Curly and Laurey??????????  All that romance and those swooning songs?????????  Better a musical version of "Patience And Sarah," than this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

             Now, wait.......................

             While I would not want to witness such a transformation, the performer in me wonders.......

              If this one slides, maybe, just maybe..................

              I could play Fanny Brice in "Funny Girl."

              Brigitta Von Trapp in "The Sound of Music."

              Mama Rose in "Gypsy."

              Fantine in "Les Miserables."

              Sheila in "A Chorus Line" (yes, I want to do Cassie, but no way do I have the skill for that!)

              Crissy in "HAIR" (I have been singing "Frank Mills" most of my life!)

              Bella in "RAGS"

               Val or Gil in "Henry, Sweet Henry!"

                Little Edie in "Grey Gardens, The Musical."

                Carrie Pipperidge in "Carousel."

                 And I could go on.  But ten is enough.

                 Let's see how the Rodgers And Hammerstein Estate deals with this upcoming proposition, before I update my role resume!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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