Monday, March 27, 2017

Yea, Seamus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 It did not rain on Seamus' parade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 David and I were both there to cheer our lovable friend on, and so was a good deal of Bay Ridge, at its St. Patrick's Day Parade.  Even renowned Senator, Marty Golden had enough celebrity acumen to have his picture taken with Seamus, the unmistakable star of the parade.

                                  "Love you, Seamus!," a lot of us cried, as his contingent went by.  He looked so happy, smiling at all his fans.  Seamus is all about Love; he gives it forth, and people give it right back to him.

                                   I briefly undid my outerwear to show my Seamus T-shirt!  It was too cold to go like this the entire time, and if not for Seamus, we may not have been there!  But it was well worth it!

                                    Later, back at Paws Truly, Seamus greeted one and all.  A visit to Seamus just cheers me up, because he brings happiness.

                                     So, thank you, Seamus, for being such a professional, and gracious pooch!

                                      You deserve a day off!  So rest, catch up on whatever series marathon you watch, and enjoy yourself after yesterday!

                                       See you soon, Seamus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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