Monday, April 3, 2017

A Prayer Goes Out, To Sister Camille, And Her Loved One!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             As some of you on here may know, Sunday mornings in our house begin with us getting up early enough to hear the comments of Sister Camille D'Arienzo (of the Sisters Of Mercy) on 1010 WINS.  I usually have a cup of coffee in hand, as I attentively listen to her informative and inspirational  message.

                             Yesterday's was heartfelt, as Sister related something she was personally facing, having to do with a loved one of hers.  She spoke of the importance pf providing the loved one going through whatever travail with comfort and support.

                                Now, I really do not know whom she was talking about.  But I have heard, from those who have met her, she has a sister.  Whether it is the sister, or someone else does not matter, because The Raving Queen, and all my readers on here want to offer prayers for Sister Camille, and her loved one in need.

                                   This broadcast came on a particularly difficult day for me.  Yesterday marked the 38th Anniversary of my mother's passing.  At the time, I could not conceive of anything in the future, only that my life was now irrevocably changed.  I found myself amazed at how far I had come, in those 38 years, all that I have learned, and am grateful for.

                                     A musical theater interjection here.  The year of my mother's death, "Sweeney Todd" was the hit of Broadway.  I found myself going to it cathartically, because of one lyric line, and that was in the triplet, "Johanna,"--"If only angels could prevail, we'd be the way we were."  I SO wanted that, back then!

                                   So, if Sister Camille, or those close to her, get to see this, know that prayers have been said, and candles lit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    May God be with you, Sister!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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