Monday, April 3, 2017

What's Going On, With Fatima????????????????????

                               As April inches closer to May, the date of May 13 looms larger, making the Centennial (100 Years!!!!!!!) Anniversary of Fatima an approaching reality.

                                On May 13, a century ago, the Virgin Mary appeared to the three children--Lucia Santos, and her cousins, Franciso Marto, and his sister, Jacinta.  Jacinta is the youngest, and holiest of the Fatima Children.

                                 Supposedly, Pope Francis and other Church officials will be visiting Fatima this year, though I am disturbed that, even in churches, very little is heard about this important anniversary.

                                  It is said the children will be canonized this year, as Saints.  It is about time!!!!!!!!!!

                                   But more, I say to the world, watch out.  Because of the shape the world is in, I would not be surprised if, on the anniversary day, the Virgin makes an appearance, with the children at her side.  I cannot say there will be a Miracle Of The Sun, as in 1917, but I have to wonder who will be availed of the privilege of seeing this vision, and how will it be known, if it appears.  This is not something to show up on C-Span!  Mary and the Fatima children do not believe in social media!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    So, pay more attention as the day draws nigh!  And, on that day, be very extra aware of things around you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    To a spiritual Fatima celebration, everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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