Friday, May 26, 2017

A Documentary On Joan Didion??????????? I Cannot Wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          For all that I sometimes dish Joan on here, let me say it is done with a combination of admiration and love.  The woman is a survivor, and continues, so I have to hand it to her.  She is a brilliant wordsmith; pick up anything by her; even after a few sentences it becomes clear that the lady can write.

                          The reason Joan makes me, and I am sure many, uncomfortable, is that she is able to so keenly write about topics so many of us do not want to face.  I had to put down "The Year Of Magical Thinking" several times, because Joan was digging away at truths I did not, and still don't, want to face.

                          She is fearless, and while I lack her courage, I nevertheless admire her for it.

                           So, I am thrilled to discover that her still hottie nephew, Griffin Dunne, who happens to be Joan's nephew, is making, with his cousin, Annabelle Dunne, a documentary about Joan!!!!!!!!!!

                           When I first heard this, I wondered how even they would get Joan's approval, as she strikes me as being private to the point of reclusive.

                             I recently looked at a trailer, and actually saw Joan speaking to the camera!  So, she must have given the "GO" signal!

                             Her voice is surprisingly soft and mellifluous; not the harsh, raspy sound of someone who has smoked and boozed her way through life.  The woman, like her writing, seems to be as tough as nails, and if the booze and cigs work for her, who am I to judge????????????????

                             I am sure this film will not be out for another year!  I cannot wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             This may start a Joan Didion Renaissance!  I may read her oeuvre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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