Wednesday, May 17, 2017

New Girl In Town.....Or, At Least Bay Ridge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Those on here with me long enough may recall my mentioning the occasional sighting on my subway platform, Manhattan bound, of a woman who resembles Sandra Ashley in monster make-up from the movie "Frankenstein's Daughter," and whom I have dubbed such.  She prowls Bay Ridge, usually with a child in tow, clutching it fervently, as it has been taken from some desperate Bay Ridge family, whose matriarch goes to the lair, wherever it may be, and plaintively calls out, "Monster, give me my child!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                 I have not actually seen "Frankenstein's Daughter" in awhile, but now there is a new girl, on the block.  I swear!   One morning, while boarding the R at 77th Street, I saw this woman with stringy auburn hair, but who otherwise--face, eyebrows, lips and haunting look--seemed to resemble Malila Nurmi, better known as Vampira.

                                  Yes, darlings, Vampira seems now to be roaming Bay Ridge,  Be especially aware in the hours of darkness, up until 4AM, when all denizens of the night begin to return to their lairs.  I think "Vampira" has ventured onto "Frankenstein's Daughter's" turf, and I cannot wait to see if this neighborhood is big enough for these two horror divas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Or their facsimiles.  In any case, it should be a lively Summer, out here in Bay Ridge, with horror hysteria hitting its height!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      And, yes, this "Vampira" seems to have the same waist line, as the original!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      How my imagination runs off, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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