Saturday, May 13, 2017

This Is The Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                One hundred years ago today, darlings, the Virgin Mary--Queen of ALL--appeared to three children-- Lucita Marto, and her cousins Jacinta and Francisco-- in a grazing ground, outside the Portuguese village of Fatima.  Two years later, the siblings were taken to Heaven as emissaries, while Lucita continued to represent Mary on Earth, lasting until her 98th year.

                                Hang on to your hats, darlings!

                                Pope Francis has officially declared Jacinta and Francisco as saints!  It is about time!  Lucita has been beatified, which is the first step to canonization.  Because she died in 2005, some more time has to elapse' don't ask me why, I don't know Church law.

                                  But Jacinta, the holiest of the Fatima children, is now a saint!  Pray to her in times of needed inspiration and suffering.  Reflect on what she suffered for us.

                                  And, I am telling you, you had better watch out, today.  Far above me to be granted a holy vision, but I believe today, at some point, somewhere in the sky, Mary And The Fatima Children will appear to those chosen, with a message for all on the hundredth anniversary.  Only they, and God know, and they are not talking.

                           Blessings to all of you, on this special day, to Mary, and to newly canonized saints,
Blessed Jacinta and Francisco Marto, of Fatima.

                           Listen to what Jacinta says, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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