Saturday, May 13, 2017

This Rat HAD To Be Imported, From New York!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Plenty has been written on this blog already about "What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?," I am really not sure what I can add, but I will try.

                            On May 10, Film Forum ran a special, one day screening, to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of Joan Crawford's death.  Which also happens to be the anniversary when, back in 1966, I had open heart surgery, at New York Hospital, Cornell Medical Center.

                            When it came time for the rat scene, I had to wonder.  While shooting this, they needed a decent sized rat.  I know Jane tells Blanche they have rats in the cellar, but those are puny, Los Angeles rats.  In order for the scene to be truly impressive, Aldrich knew the one place to get enormous rats could only be New York City--where some are even two legged!

                              I have no doubt this rat came from Manhattan!  I would have hated to work props on this film!!!!!!!!!!!

                              The other thing I wondered about was--what kind of an audience flocks to a showing of "What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?" in the middle of the afternoon?????  I had my suspicions, and it turned out I was right.

                               There were two sane people in the audience--my friend, Chris, and myself.  There was also a young Asian couple, in their early twenties.  The girl had obviously seen "Feud--Bette And Joan," but had never seen this film, and you can be sure the boy friend had not.  Wonder what they thought?

                                 Otherwise, my prediction was right--a bunch of Victor Buono or serial killer wannabes, who live with their mother.  There was also one homeless guy; it amazes me, with what Film Forum now charges he was able to scrape up the cash to get in.

                                   The audience was almost as scary as the film.   But not quite.

                                   My new favorite line--"Maybe so.  But Julie's parents have lived here a long time, I GUESS she should know!"

                                  Too bad B.D. knew nothing about acting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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