Friday, May 26, 2017

Time To Welcome A New Reader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          I see my follower indicator is now up to 56, meaning someone has hopped board this mirth and madness!  Welcome to Debra Richardson, and I hope you enjoy what you see on here.

                           As I keep telling all, this blog goes great with coffee.  It's always by my side when writing.  If coffee were booze, I'd be Joan Didion by now!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           But things are happening.  Summer is fast approaching, discoveries to be made, and a new reader along for the ride!  Hope you have a blast, and let's all say "Welcome!," girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            And, by way of an official welcome, here is this blog's unofficial theme song--

                            Call me on here anytime, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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