Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Can You Believe This Bitch Got Off???????????????????

                           I am telling you, when you get to rural parts of the country, like North Carolina, most of the inhabitants are inbred.  "Deliverance" was not far off the mark.

                            I should have posted this last week, as Bitch Of The Week.  Instead, I am making up for lost time.  Brooke Covington, a minister at the World Of Faith Fellowship, in Spindale--my God, what a rube name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!--was brought to trial on May 30 for the sexual harassment and assault of congregant Matthew Fenner.

                                   According to Fenner, who was 23 at the time, after a service on January 27. 2013, a group of congregants, with Covington's support, surrounded and attacked Mr. Fenner for a two hour period, in a style not unlike "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson.  Stones weren't used; they weren't needed.  Mob hysteria was, and that was on hand.  Not because Fenner had a black spot on a piece of paper, but what many considered a black mark on his soul--he was gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  As if this were not bad enough, the trial ended in a mistrial.

                                  So--in these times, it is OK for church congregants to assault one they disagree with.

                                   I have a word for Mr. Fenner. Darling, if you know the church felt this way, why the hell didn't you go someplace else?  Catholics don't assault anyone; but I don't know about rural, inbred areas, where they might.

                                    Get the hell out of North Carolina, and go to San Francisco or New York!  You won't make it to 30 where you are now, Matt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     As for Brooke Covington getting off, she and the church's founders Jane Whaley and her husband, Sam, should be shut down and put out of business.  Don't worry; they will. He is a former used car salesman, she an ex-math teacher, and I HATE math teachers, so they know all about graft.  They will be caught, sooner of later.

                                       So, Brooke is/was last week's Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       No self-respecting fag will do HER hair, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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