Friday, June 30, 2017

Can You Believe We Are Half-Way Through???????????????????

                                      I am always amazed when June 30 comes around, because, for me, it marks the year's half way point.  So much has happened in the first half--marriage, retirement, the possibility that I may again reach 100 in the number of books read this year, that it is my sincere hope that the second half, which includes my birthday and Christmas, will be as tranquil as the first half was eventful.

                                     The bitchiness of "The Little Foxes!"  The Midwest of Inge's "Picnic!"  The fervency of the fever dream that was 1971's "The Beguiled."

                                       Not to mention Neva Small, "Henry, Sweet Henry," Marcia Kramer, and all the other happenings in just the first half of this year.

                                        So, congrats, girls, we made it halfway through!

                                        Hope the second runs smoothly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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