Thursday, June 22, 2017

Happy Birthday, MERYL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       What better way to start the day, the one I consider to be the longest of the year, than by wishing MERYL STREEP a Happy Birthday?  The Divine MERYL is 68 today, and we should all look as good, upon reaching that age!

                                         There is no stopping her, and I don't see any signs of her giving up acting, yet.  So, everyone wish MERYL a Happy Birthday, and do something celebratory in her honor.  Wonder what MERYL herself will do???????????

                                           May we all live to see her live, on stage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Meanwhile, have a great day, MERYL, on this, the longest day of the year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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