Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Is Felton Metz The Male Counterpart Of Charlotte Bayes?????????????????????

                                       I still think that distinction belongs to Roger Mulvaney of "A Perfect Day," but Felton, the perp in the episode, "World's End" of "Cold Case," is surrounded by plot elements that borrow from the more classic episode, "Churchgoing People."  So, it could be easy to label him a Bayes counterpart.

                                       Except he did not appear to be an alcoholic.  His abuse was borderline; he held his wife, Audrey, and son, Robert, in terrified thrall, through psychological control.  If the story had continued in a different  direction, I think Felton would have been headed down the John List path of family annihilation.  Thankfully, Robert was spared that, but not Audrey, Felton's wife.

                                       Audrey was played beautifully by Bellamy Young, who many on here will remember for her chilling performance as Stephanie Harker on the "Law And Order" episode, "True North," back in 1998.  Here, she is completely sympathetic as a wife who knows things are bad for them, because it is the Great Depression, who knows her husband, Felton, is going downhill, so she takes a job as a taxi dancer.  Shades of "Sweet Charity!!!!!!!"  One of the clients becomes interested in her, Felton finds out about it, and kills Audrey.   Not just because she might leave him, but, more importantly, because it might violate the construct of his fabricated reputability.  Now, that is a Charlotte Bayes move.  You see, like John List, Felton would pretend to go to work each day, but in reality he would just sit and stare into space at his abandoned office desk, where he, nor his company, had no job.  He would rather do this than scramble for work, which everyone did, back then.  Audrey was more resourceful, and Scarlett-like, but she paid the price.

                                        One reason Felton got away with it, was all this took place on October 30, 1938, the night of Orson Welles' famous "War Of The Worlds" broadcast.  I always had the feeling the child, Robert, knew something was amiss, but by the time he evolves into Lawrence Pressman, in the present, he is too willing to protect his father--just like Charlotte's son, Ryan Bayes!  And, like Charlotte, the present-day Felton, wonderfully played by ex-John Walton, Ralph Waite, has Alzheimer's.  But Lily uses a similar trick she used with Charlotte to get Felton to fess up, so he can be dragged off to the slammer.

                                       Poor Audrey Metz, and Mitch Bayes.  Too nice to take control of their spouses, and it costs them their lives!

                                       Everything could have been solved, and maybe murder prevented, by a good smack across these bitches' faces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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