Thursday, July 27, 2017

An Annual Summer Tradition Is Finally Given Its Due!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Summer would not be complete, for some of us, without a visit to the Spumoni Gardens restaurant, in Brooklyn.  So, last Saturday, the girls and I trooped out there to chow down on the best this place has to offer.

                                     I am telling you, the cars were lined up, double parked, just waiting to get in, something I have not seen since May 16, 1975, when "A Chorus Line" opened downtown at the Public Theatre.

                                      The level of flowing testosterone was as high as the olive oil, judging from the array of chefs and waiters on display.  Too bad they were not on the menu!  But, I wager some of them could be had...for a price? Hmmmmmmmm?  Wink, wink!

                                        On an older episode of "America's Test Kitchen," which I watched recently, this place was featured.  Why it does not get more commercial airing is beyond me.  I mean, it is better than Jaiya!  I would love to do the Ethnic Babe's role here, saying, "You have GOT to try the Rigatoni Bolognese!"  Next to Manducati's, in Long Island City, it is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        My guess is they are so good, they do not need to advertise!!!!!!!!!

                                       And the parade of people on display.  It is better than a Fellini movie!  So many over aged Anita Ekberg wannabes, the girl friends, the mistresses, the gangstas, the garden variety Brooklyn tramps, who fervently believe tastelessness in dress is art!  Well, maybe for them, it is!  After all, what else do they know?

                                        It takes a year to recover from a meal here!  But it is worth the visit!!!!!!!!!!

                                         It is open all year round, but it is best in the Summer!

                                         Abbondanza, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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