Friday, July 21, 2017

Don't Let This Baby Faced, Sociopth Serial Killer, Fool You!!!!!!!!! His Youth's Gone, And He Is Out On The Street!!!!!!!!!!

                                  On Halloween--October 31, 1985, Joseph Fordham, at sixteen, hunted and killed 11-year-old Mary Stiles, in Baytown, Texas, near Houston.  This sick kid, whose sister was a friend of Mary's, which is how he most likely got the idea, was linked also to another killing of another same aged child, a girl, in an adjacent town.  Which proved he had not only killed, but he would kill again.

                                   He was convicted, and given a twenty five year prison sentence.  This was bad enough--far too lenient.  But what happened was worse.

                                    Fordham was released after eight years, due to Texas prison over crowding.

                                    Mary's older sister, Carrie, now a journalist, got in touch with Fordham's grandmother, who helped her keep tabs on him.  Soon enough, he was on the lam, found by investigators in a hotel, where the adult man now tried to kill himself.

                                      If they hadn't found him, he would be gone, now.  As it is, let us hope he is off the street.  Permanently.

                                      This last event happened in 2014.  If Fordham was 16 in 1985, he would have been 45, then.  To journalist Carrie Stiles, he revealed a bit of remorse.  When asked why he wanted to end his life, he replied because the punishment for what he did to her sister, was not long enough.

                                        Which caused Stiles to forgive him.  You are better than I am, Carrie.   I would be wondering about the cold comfort dished out.  Was it calculating?

                                          Even if not, Fordham deserves to be behind bars permanently.  Who knows what triggered him to kill, when young?  It only indicates he could be triggered, again!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Rest In Peace, Mary Stiles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. It's disgusts me that my home state, Texas, released this murderer!! He should've been in the express lane to The Death Chamber!


  2. I agree. Texas has some gorgeous
    locales--I love Dallas--but has a way
    of making bad administrative decisions.

  3. You guys in the US have plenty of crazy gun owners. Can't someone take this guy out? It's disgusting that he is a free man.

    1. He didn't kill her with a gun, he killed her with a knife and sufficated her with her sock, lets get rid if all the knives and socks now.


  4. Unknown,
    The operative word you use is crazy,
    and I agree. Taking this guy out
    would be a sensible act. Gun owners
    are not interested in what is sensible!

  5. Law abiding gun owners are many things, and being sensible is one. Some are mere bollectors. Other are gun range (target) shooters. Others are hunters. Many own and carry a gun for self defense. I carry for self defense, and thankfully have not run into a situation where I had to unholster my weapon in 25 years. I carry as insurance, to defend myself or the life of another. Please don't put all gun owners in the same category.
