Friday, July 7, 2017

I Just LOVE The Dairy Pure Cow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               So often, dolls, do I write on here about commercials that annoy me that it gives me pleasure to write one I actually like.  It is the Dairy Pure commercial, featuring the Dairy Pure cow!!!!!!!!!!!!  Isn't he cute?  Not since Elsie, has there been such a bovine mascot!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               By the color blue, I am guessing this cow is a male.  But I think all cows are cute.  If anyone can sell milk, it is this cow.  TV stardom is coming his way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                More cows on TV, darlings!  Bring back "Petticoat Junction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


  1. I immediately thought of those charming android ads, one featuring unlikely animal friends and one where the little paper, rock, and scissors guys become friends
    I'd share my most annoying ones but who has that kind of time.


  2. Most of my posts have been on commercials
    that annoy me. I was happy to bring one I
    actually like!
