Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Now, This Book Snapped Me Out Of My Funk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Although "Vinegar Girl" is Anne Tyler at her most....Anne Tyler, I kept being reminded of the movie "Moonstruck," as I read it.

                                   Even though the novel is a re-telling of Shakespeare's "The Taming Of The Shrew."  Tyler not only updates it superbly, she makes some characters more interesting than they were in Shakespeare.

                                   The play literally was a taming, with the macho Petruchio, trying to bend the shrewish Kate, to his will.  Here, Petruchio becomes Pyotr, Kate's father's brilliant lab assistant, and with the father doing a kind of back handed Dolly Levi, he gets them together.

                                     Pyotr is less sexist ogre than clueless romantic.  Charming.  What was more fascinating was the character of Kate's sister, Bunny.  I do not recall Bianca being that dumb and vapid.  And, of course, she ends up marrying a personal trainer, and living in New Jersey.

                                      The novel follows the Shakespeare trajectory, without being overly literal.  Tyler stick to things, but has some fun along the way.  And she provides the reader with much fun.

                                        When I heard about this whole Shakespeare update thing, I was skeptical.  Someone has even done "King Lear," which should not be, as nothing surpasses Jane Smiley's "A Thousand Acres."

                                          But Anne Tyler does a great job.  And makes me curious about some of the others.

                                          If you are stuck with the blues, or a Summer rut, this book is a sure cure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I think Shakespeare would be pleased.
    All it needs is a Cole Porter soundtrack


  2. I think he would too. And "Kiss Me Kate"
    is one of my favorite show scores!
