Sunday, July 16, 2017

Summer Reading Concerns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Now that we are at the mid-point of Summer, I have to take stock in my Summer Reading, so far.  There is no doubt, in my mind, or on this blog, that I have been reading up a storm, but what has me worried is, with the year half gone, nothing out there that is new has struck me in any key way.  The way that makes me think this could end up on my, or The Times', Ten Best List.  Adam Haslett and Jonathan Safran Foer's recent books were outstanding, but they are from years past.  Only George Saunders' "Lincoln In The Bardo" has a chance, but what else is there?
I have heard a lot about "American War," by Omar El Akkad, so I have decided to give that a look.

                                                 Where are the books this year?  When I scan for the Fall, when many anticipated tomes appear, I don't get a sense of anything.  The big names--Tartt, Franzen, or Chabon--are all silent, probably because they are working on things right now.  But what finished product does the serious reader have coming up to ignite passions, this Fall?  And does anyone, save I, even give a damn???????????

                                                   I wish I had an answer for you, girls.  But I fear the wait is going to be a long one.  Meanwhile, I am working my way through an unexpectedly surprising and fresh novel, and then I am going to see what all the one-time fuss was about Miss Jill Eisenstadt.

                                                    Meanwhile, if any of you have Summer Reading treasures you would like to share, or know anything about Fall prospects, feel free to let me know on here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Life is not easy for us literary types.  Reading and writing, and around that one has to work at living a life.  Time is precious, and if it seems we are under more of an obligation to spend it wisely, that is just the way it is.

                                                       Read away, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!