Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Time To Welcome A New Reader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Say a big Hello, and Welcome, everyone to Abrianna Scarborough.  Is she related to Chuck Scarborough?  Who knows?  No matter; Adrianna, I am glad you found you way here, and I hope what you find continues to be informative and entertaining.

                                        As I have said, this blog goes great with morning coffee, which is at my side right now, to get those creative juices flowing.

                                        So welcome, Abrianna, and feel free to drop in here anytime.

                                         I would no be doing my job, if I did not usher you in with this blog's unofficial theme song.  So, here it is!

                                         Welcome, Abrianna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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