Monday, July 3, 2017

Welcome, Sookie Tawdry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Things pop into my head on a whim, darlings, and, last night, this name floated through my dream consciousness.  It must have the day I had yesterday, out on the Island--Long, not Fire, unfortunately!!!!!!!!--where my sanity was salvaged by a lovable dog, named Tork.  I can always count on the doggies, darlings!  I LOVED when he made off with one of the hamburgers.

                                                  When I awoke, this morning, I wondered, just who the hell is Sookie Tawdry?  I know her name appears in Bobby Darin's "Mack The Knife," but is she really a part of the whole "Threepenny Opera" thing?

                                                   Echt, Brecht.  I sort of tuned out in drama classes when he was studied.  I loved the Pabst film, and Lotte Lenya, but the vehicle never grabbed me.

                                                     The way I see it, Jenny Diver and Sookie Tawdry are prostitutes.  With a name like "Sookie Tawdry," she certainly is not going to be a nun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Or a graduate of Katherine Gibbs Secretarial School!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       I wonder why Sookie appeared in my consciousness last night.  A bit of indigestion, perhaps? Will my need to perform ultimately drive me to act in a production of "Threepenny Opera?"  Now, that would be something?  Maybe I could play Sookie Tawdry!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        You just gotta love the name, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!  As for what it all means, stay tuned! If an answer is reached, I will be sure and let you know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Nowhere can you get that happy feeling...
    When you are stealing...
    That extra bow...


  2. "Yesteerday, they told you, you would not far,
    That night, you opened, and there you are.
    Next day, on your dressing room, they hung a star.
    Let's go on with the show.
    Let's go on with the show!"
