Thursday, August 24, 2017

From Yuppie To Muppie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 I was all set to write a different post, for this week's Bitch Of the Week column, but, after what happened yesterday, which I will share, I had to set that aside for next week.  Just listen to this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 If you thought the Yuppies were bad, the Muppies (Millennial version of the Yuppie) are worse.  The former, at least cared about their children.  The latter, not so much.

                                  Things began, as they always do, in innocence.  My friend, Chris, and I, were coming from a screening, at the Walter Reade, of Robert Altman's 1977 masterwork, "3 Women."  I will be writing about that on here, but, not yet, as I am still processing it.

                                   We were walking toward the 66th Street Downtown Subway, where I was planning to make my way home, when, suddenly, a toddler on a scooter, or kiddie bike, (at least he wore a helmet) almost slammed into us!  A woman behind us, whom I felt allied with, saw this, and began confronting the child, with the most logical question, "Where is your mother?"  I am not really sure he knew.

                                    But we soon spotted her. She was this petite, dark haired thing, carrying bags from pretentious places, so out of it, she was talking on the phone, and had not been aware of what happened.

                                      Worse, she was a good distance away from the kid, and, if something really bad had happened, like abduction, or the child veering out into traffic, where he surely would have been struck and killed, as this was the  rush hour, she would have no one to blame for this tragedy, but herself, but would she?  Of course not!   She would blame everyone else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       The unidentified (I never got her name; maybe that is a good thing, for her, at least, because, believe me, if I had, I would have called Children's Services) woman, whom I dub on here Muppie Bitch, is this week's winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        My ally counterpart confronted the Muppie face to face.  She was in her face, but I was off to the side, by the subway.  This woman read her the riot act--thank God--but the dumb bitch acted (and I believe it WAS an act!!!!!!!!!!) like she did not understand what the woman was talking about, or why she was so upset.  This bitch was so cool and calculated she did not even flinch.  Not even when I--and my voice is pretty resonant--yelled out to her, "Raise your child correctly, you bitch!"  I am sure she heard me.  She just did not care.

                                         On one level, I admire her for keeping her cool, though she is evil.  I pity this kid, but, if things continue in this way, Muppie Bitch will get hers, once this boy reaches adolescence.  Again, she will blame everyone else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          I only wish Marcia Kramer had been there, to record all this!

                                          Marcia, where were you????????????????????


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