Thursday, August 10, 2017

Girls, Have You Seen "Bimbo's Initiation????????????"

                           Oh, my God, darlings, that Max Fleischer.  He had a distinctive, animation that was brilliant, in spite of it being little more than black and white lined drawings, filled in.  His sense of satire was way over the heads of children, and in this age of political correctness (gag me with a spoon!), some of his work is downright refreshing.

                           Such is the case with "Bimbo's Initiation."  Now, I had never heard of this, or Bimbo, who, I gather was used in a series of his own cartoons.  The whole thing is one long running gag of these black-faced Klansmen types confronting him over and over, chanting, "Wanna be a member?"  Which, I have to admit, gets a bit repetitious, until the whole thing evolves into a Busby Berkley musical, with a romantic climax.

                            I will do my best to provide this for you, on here.  If not, it is readily available.  But I actually found it on a website I urge you to visit, called "Kindertrauma."  I am telling you, next to this blog, it is the best thing out there.

                            And for me to say that, well..........................

                           Here it is, darlings!  Take a look!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!