Monday, August 28, 2017

Meet Sister Margaret Mary, Of The Holy Martyrs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      The real Sister Margaret Mary Of The Holy Martyrs was a fictional character in William X. Kienzle's 1979 novel, "The Rosary Murders."  She was portrayed by Anna Minot in the 1987 film version, and spilled the beans on Kathy Javison's death.  She felt, in a way, she was the cause of it--which is true--and sequestered herself from thereon in a cloister, where she took a vow of silence.

                                         So much for reality.  I just loved the sound of the name, and I decided to take a stab at what a real Sister Margaret Mary, Of The Holy Martyrs might be like.

                                          First girls, she would be a REAL, old school nun--fully covered, and a  prune faced scold.

                                           She would teach her girls the way of the Lord,  renouncing Satan, the evils of sex, and the curse of menstrual blood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Like Gladys Cooper, when she asks what the Holy Trinity is, you had better know it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             This is no Rosalind Russell in "The Trouble With Angels"  This is a hellion hell bent on keeping her students from Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               As used to be said, in another era, she was a true Bride OF Christ, because who else would marry her????????????????????

                                                Do what Sister says, now, lambs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Prune faced scold lol
    Sometimes I fear that is me by the end of the day
    I love preschoolers but they can drain the life out of you
    September fifth is the first day of school for the four year old
    After that it will just be the one and two year old
    I feel as though a dark cloud will be lifted
    And I feel Guilty about that. : ((

  2. I do apologize for my little Poor Me rant yesterday.
    I was struggling.
    I have so much to be thankful for; I need to remember that.
    So feel free to smack that prune faced scold right off my face next time I do that lol


  3. Victoria,

    No need to apologize. This forum
    is for al kinds of comments; you
    would not believe what I have
    received on some of my ID posts.

    I give you credit for being in
    the educational profession. It
    is a tough job.
