Saturday, August 5, 2017

Now, Girls, Be Honest With Me. Was There Even A Micro-Second We Wanted To Look Like This????????????????

I will be honest, and say there was this brief a period, where I actually wanted to look like Deborah Harry.  But Tama Janowitz?  I never even gave it a thought.

It is as much of a mystery to me why I never read "Slaves of New York," back in 1986, when Tama and the book were big literary sensations.  Because you know how up I am on big literary sensations.

I guess Tama's fame, and the book's, were so fleeting, I missed it before I could get to it. Then Time, and my life, moved on.

Now, according to what I have read on Tama--and we two have got to have lunch, to rectify some things!!!!!!!!--it as much of a mystery to her why she was even included in what has been come to be known as The Literary Brat Pack.  Which, as you know, I am examining and exploring through this blog, as I search for far reaching indie book stores, and writers who might be the Brat Pack of today.

But back to Tama.  I finally got around to reading "Slaves Of New York," and I was floored.  The  lady can write.  The concept is not original--a novel disguised as a series of short stories with interconnected aspiring artists and hangers-on, with names like Eleanor, Stash, and Marley Mantello, all against the East Village and SoHo art scenes.  It is grittier than Candace Bushnell--thank God--but basically the same idea.  The outfits are more colorful and interesting.

But so are the stories, and how she interconnects them.  Even our lovable friend, Gojira (whom she calls Godzilla) gets a mention in two of the stories!

I said earlier that Donna Tartt was the one Brat Packer of still genuine merit.  Maybe I should add Tama.  Though she has written more than Tartt, I have the feeling she has stopped.  But I would like to read the rest of her work.

"Slaves Of New York" is not my world, but that is not the point.  It is Tama's and she captures it vividly.

Who knew??????????????????????


  1. I remember John Malkovich saying something like, "New York is too expensive for starving artists; you can't afford to starve there anymore"

  2. So glad you enjoyed it, RQ!

    I was really sweating over what your opinion might be, after I rather strongly urged you to catch up with "Slaves Of NY" a couple weeks ago (one doesn't dare recommend things to you lightly). I love the book, but of course it isn't everyone's cup of tea.

    Somewhere in my piles is a later Tama tome, that my cousin had her autograph for me when he interviewed her for an Italian news agency some years ago. I'm not sure if I ever read it: it sort of got lost at the time, and I keep forgetting to dig it out.

  3. Oh, is it that area code book?
    It's funny in parts but don't waste your time, I think.


  4. I hadn't realized Tama has written eleven books.
    Not sure I want to read them all. My overall
    impression is she said what she had to in 'Slaves.'
    What more could there be?

    Victoria, I agree with Malkovich. Blythe Danner
    made a similar comment years ago, when she said
    New York no longer opens itself up to the
    struggling young artist anymore.
