Wednesday, August 16, 2017

"Swee....." Has Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      "Oh, thanks for loading, swee...."--
                                         Mother's opening line on Cascade commercial.

                         Girls, have you seen this latest commercial?  The son is clearly clueless.  Even I know dishes have to be rinsed, before going in the washer.  How many times did I observe my mother doing so?  You would think this young man would have noticed the same thing, over the years.  Obviously, he has not.

                            He is too kitchen awkward to be gay, but, hons, if this guy is so messy, he is going to have problems finding a woman.  He should be warned before it is too late, because if he does not get his act together, he is going to spiral downward into obesity, a man cave trailer littered with filth, where he does nothing but sit on a filthy couch in undies that should be burned, scarfing down Doritos.

                              Really.  It all starts at home.  Every time I see this ad, I cringe.

                               The dude needs help.  Not just Cascade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Sadly, many ladies put up with guys like these, and worse, just to have a man.
    Or because she has children with him, or she thinks he'll start treating her right eventually....?
    Pitiful, I know. And it's getting worse.


  2. And, from this commercial, it is
    sad to see it all starts so early.

  3. I know. I mean, if you are paying the bills, and doing all the housework and childcare, and you let the guy lay on the sofa all day playing video games, smoking weed, looking at pornography, and texting other ladies, well I guess that would be your own fault??
    But they don't see it that way : ((


  4. I remember my parents, after
    dinner doing the dishes together.
