Friday, August 25, 2017

This Show's Cast Makes Me Question Culinary Sexuality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Because some projects I am now working on require more reading time, which I certainly do not abhor, my husband gets a little more TV time, and one of the things he likes to relax, watching, is "America's Test Kitchen," which I have come to find fascinating, because the recipes are interesting enough to want to try, and, like all good cooking shows, they make it look easy when it is not, but something eats away at me, every time I watch a segment.

                              What is it with these people on it?  Especially the men?

                               The women are charming; they may have viewed "Julie and Julia," one too many times,  but they are charming, and know what to do.

                                The men are something else. By nature of the subject this should be the FAG Show Of Television.  But, would you believe that at least two of these men are straight?  How is such a thing possible?

                                 Let's take Jack Bishop, the man on the far left.  He is whom I refer to as "the ugly one," because, oh, my God!  He just radiates fag, yet, darlings, he is straight, and actually married to a food writer, Lauren Chattam, who could pass as a stand in for the Anne Archer character in "Fatal Attraction!!!!!!!!!!!!"  They have two daughters, and live in Sag Harbor!!!!!!!!!!!  Can you believe it?  Hope those girls got their mother's looks, or else they are going to resemble the Stepsisters in "Cinderella!!!!!!!!!!!!"  And Jack has no formal food training!!!!!!!!!!  How can this guy be straight?????  His childhood should have been spent trolling on Long Island for Broadway Cast Albums!!!!!!!!!!!!  Like so many of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  At center, and pretty much the dominant force in the show, is Chris Kimball, who. I have to say, looks pretty good for 66.  When I saw how trim he was, and how, well, nerdy, he seemed, my first thought was...FAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Or at least a big closest case!

                                  Except he has been married twice, and has five children!  Five!  After graduating from Phillips Exeter Academy, and Columbia University.  With a degree in....Primitive Art!!!!!!!!!!!!!  No wonder he took up cooking!  Another self-taught professional.  Doesn't anyone believe in training anymore??????????????????

                                  And what happened to hotties on TV?  These two are like a couple of damp fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Then, there is Adam Reid, whom I call "the toothless one," because he talks and smiles in a way suggesting he does not have all his teeth.  Though not great looking, he could be the burly type many younger gays look for.  Though he wears a ring on his finger, I wonder if that could be male spousal, because I detect some sexual ambivalence on his part.  He definitely comes off as knowing his Broadway Cast Albums. Bet, out of all of them, he has seen Bette in "Hello, Dolly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                  Now, the two women, Julia Collin Davison, and Bridget Lancaster, are charming.  They may not be modeling for Sears' underwear catalog, but, then, neither is Martha Stewart.  Unlike Martha, their warmth, and enthusiasm is infectious--like Mary Poppins--and so is their delivery and patter.  Martha, even when happy, comes off sounding like someone suffering from bowel blockage.

                                  Chris can be that way, sometimes.  I would love to have Julia or Bridget in the kitchen, cooking for me.


                                    Why doesn't this show try to liven things up by having culinary celebs on??????????  Like Julie Powell, of "Julie And Julia??????????"  What has happened to her?????????

                                      And, to prove what it may seem I am trying to deny on here, but am not--that hot, straight men cannot cook--how about the great Stanley Tucci?????????  I have wanted to have him cook for me, for years, preferably wearing an apron--and nothing else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       If he does come on the show, I want to be his Vanna White!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Orville Reddenbacher was straight as well.
    Is it the bow tie?


  2. I never gave the bow tie
    a thought. It was just a vibe
    I picked up. From watching
    this program.

    Interestingly enough, when my
    mother and I would watch Julia
    Child back in the day, we were
    both amazed at how much she
    resembled my grade school
    music teacher.

    BTW, Sister Camille was on,
    at the usual time.

  3. Did you ever see the Test-Kitchen chef and hottie,Keith Dresser? He is absolutely gorgeous and the one truly handsome male chef this show has dad.Sadly, he only lasted a season or two and is now gone.I also always thought Julia and Bridget looked like two lesbians and were possibly a couple.Does anyone know if this may be true? I know both are married to men; however,that does not dissuade me.Plenty of people are married to the opposite sex and are bisexual or even gay.Just like many people never get married and are 100% straight.The realities and complexities of human sexuality remain elusive and still misunderstood by so many,even today!


  4. Mr. King,

    I have never seen Keith Dresser, but
    on Julia and Bridget's program, there is
    this guy named Dan, whom I would give a
    second glance, at least! I agree with
    you about Julia and Bridget. Conjecture is
    fascinating, but, in the end, does it matter.
    Speaking as one who is gay, myself.
    I remember, when I first saw Julia Child,
    I thought she was a lesbian! Wrong!

    Feel free to drop here, anytime!

  5. I do get a real "Lezbo" vibe from Julia and Bridget. Especially in the intro where Julia is wearing a leather vest, flannel shirt and wrangler jeans. Her and Bridget have real chemistry and it does not take hi-definition GayDar to see that they are lovers. They may be married to men and not identify as lesbian or bi; however, it is quite rhetorical to wonder if they ever fondled one another's kitties under the sheets,...LOL !

  6. Adam has a boyfriend. He mentions it on one of the episodes.. with a picture.
