Thursday, August 31, 2017

Three Bitches For The Price Of One!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              This should be a fun post to write, girls, because these are fictional bitches, from the Sixties era of DC Comics.  I actually had the issue of "Batman" (or was it "Detective Comics??????????") this panel appeared in.  The purpose of this beginning was to introduce the main villain of the piece, a femme fatale known as "Poison Ivy."  I wish I could show you the green outfit, darlings!!!!!!!  I mean, not since Errol Flynn as Robin Hood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Alas, nothing was done story wise with these three--Dragon Fly, Silken Spider, and Tiger Moth.  So, I have decided to fill in their stories for you, and if my theories are a bit outrageous, well, then,..........they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Bitches, like serial killers, are made, not born.  In both instances the maker is usually the mother, who is some piece of work.  Fathers can play a part too, but, especially in terms of the women, mothers try to shape their daughters.  In these three cases, they went off the rails!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Dragon Fly--Her mother came from a place of hate.  She was trailer trash, who hated her daughter, and would masturbate to the scene when Shelley Winters blinds Elizabeth Hartman, in "A Patch Of Blue."    As a little girl, Dragon Fly would stare at the highway, the world beyond her trailer, longing to get away.  One day, she made her costume, and buzzed off, to wreak havoc on the world.

                             Silken Spider-- A real sexual manipulator.  Her mother was a single worker bee, who labored as a secretary, and hated men.  She instilled hate and ambition in her daughter, who rose to the top and became both a CEO and Woman as Bitch Castrator.  Unbeknownst to her other employees, she kept a large, roped spider web in her executive office.  This was for the purpose of potential male employees she would interview.  She handled them in two ways.  After ensnaring them in the web, spread eagled and naked, she would put on cutting shears to make them like hands on fingers, or legs on a spider, and castrate the rejects.  To the others, the ones she deemed fit, she required that if they wanted to be hired, they had to tolerate her straddling them on the web, while they eat her pussy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  These men were so desperate for jobs they would do anything; even this!  Later, she sold the business, and took our her vengeance on men as Silken Spider!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Tiger Moth--This Barbie would be turning tricks, in no time.  After all, her mother was a slutty, low class barmaid, who turned tricks in truck stops, so they could live in a house on the boon docks of town.  The child grew up seeing sex as a means to an end, so it was no surprise she followed suit.  A natural blonde, she coordinated her outfit with her hair color.  A distant cousin of the Leech Woman, she had a ring that would stab men in the neck with a poisoned elixir.  She would get them in a compromising position, a state of arousal, and, then, just at the point of orgasm, stab them, and laugh maniacally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             And that hormonal adolescent, Dick Grayson, could not wait to go out, and try to catch them??????????  Boy, was he clueless!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Not only would they have eaten them alive, even they could have told him he was not heterosexual, which could not be revealed, at the time.  Even though he was Bruce Wayne's "young ward."  Heh! Heh! Heh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             These are fun bitches, darlings!  My favorite is Silken Spider!  They are jointly winners of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Don't get caught in their traps, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I'm normally nostalgic in nature, so usually nothing from the early 60s looks overly dated to me. But boy howdy, this sure does!

    Those hair-dos! Those outfits! They scream "Zsa Zsa in Queen Of Outer Space"!

    I've often mourned the near-total purging of sixties-era movies and TV from our cultural landscape, but I can sorta understand why: the fashions date horribly. It made adult women look like hookers or matrons, and teenage girls look like depressed forty y/o secretaries. Unless you actually lived thru that era and have the memories cushion to normalize it, people just look bizarre in 60s comics, movies and TV.

    The fifties were almost as bad but not quite: hairstyles were closer to our modern era, women wore mostly flattering suits or dresses: the most dated tic was the overuse of pearl chokers. The 20s, 30s and 40s are far enough back to simply look vintage, and rather elegant compared to today (hell, even gangsters cared about sartorial splendor).

    The 70s fashions were so atrocious they were either toned down for movies/TV or somehow just slip under the radar today. Women fared better than men: the bread slicer sized lapels on men's suits and shirts (that practically tuck under the armpits) look hopelessly cheesy now (to be fair, nobody much liked it then, either: that was a style forced on the public by LSD-addled designers). Don't even get me started on the "leisure suits" for both sexes: ugh.

    The 80s are rapidly catching up to the 60s in "WTF" factor: you look at popular films and all you can ais womens gigantic hair and shoulder pads (unbelievably distracting now: makesa it hard to take a drama seriously when all the actors seem ready for a Halloween party). And the forced, intrusive pop music soundtracks designed to sell albums at Tower Records: annoying then, headache-inducing now.

    The 90s apparently never ended, so they're safe.


  2. I loved the costuming of heroes and villains
    during this era. When I see them today, I lose
    all interest, because they look so amped up they
    lose what naturalness they had back then.

    I don't know what the future holds for
    fashion, but it needs to go somewhere.
