Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Welcome To The Month Of Baby Gojira's Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Today is August 1, which I have always had an ambivalent relationship with.  As a child, it meant not much of the Summer was left; September was next, and school was upon me.  I liked learning, just not the way I was taught. Or lack of it.

                              But, this month--which also marks another anniversary--48, to be exact, for Woodstock, is also the year sweet Baby Gojira turns 13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Will he go through puberty?  I certainly hope not.  But it was 13 years ago, this month, I got him at a Film Forum screening or the original 1954 "Gojira," the first time shown in New York, in Japanese, and minus Raymond Burr.

                               So, August is starting on an exciting note, already.  May it bring happiness and excitement to us all!

                               And I am still working on that project, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Happy Birthday, Baby Gojira!!!! Hooray!!!

    My, how he's grown! Time flies!

    I hope you don't have to endure any adolescent rebellions now that he's 13, RQ: he may start whining that he doesn't want you to pick out his clothes for him anymore. Try to indulge him in small ways so he feels empowered and "grown up" - that may head off any destructive assertions of independence (like getting his tail pierced or having Mothra's name tattooed on his chest).


  2. Baby Gojira wants nothing to do with Mothra.
    He loves his outfits--you must see his latest one--
    and looks forward to the coming Fall fashion season.
