Tuesday, August 22, 2017

What Happened To Sister Camille, Last Sunday???????????????????

                                  For the last seven years, since meeting my beloved, David, Sundays are just not the same, without Sister Camille D'Arienzo, and her inspirational morning broadcast on 1010 WINS.
Each Sunday, we make sure we are up, by 8:30--but often before--because she goes on air at 8:35AM, that day.

                                  Our beloved Baby Gojira gets in on it, too.  Before turning the lights out on Saturday night, he reminds us that we have to be up in time, to hear Sister Camille.  When morning comes, he is so excited, he is bouncing up and down, screeching!  The first thing we do is go to the kitchen, turn of the radio, and put Baby Gojira right next to it, atop the fridge.

                                  This past Sunday, it was the same, up till now.  I stood near the radio, with coffee cup in hand, to hear some weekly wisdom.  To our utter shock it was not Sister Camille we heard, but...Rabbi Joseph Potasnik!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    What??????????????  Was the eclipse causing a disturbance, already.  Did something shift in the solar system?  I really have nothing against Rabbi Joseph Potasnik, but we wanted to hear Sister Camille.  Then I began to worry for Sister Camille herself--was she all right?
Was something wrong?

                                    Girls, I am telling you there are lots of Sister Camille listeners out there, because as soon as Rabbi Potasnik ended his broadcast, we were informed that Sister Camille would be on, in the following hour.  So we heard her at 9:35AM.  I am sure that switchboard lit up, when she did not appear at 8:35AM.

                                   I have to wonder if this is a new routine.  Will Sister Camille now be on at 9:35AM on Sundays, or what?  No mention was made of that, so my guess is there was some  sort of technical glitch, or mix up.

                                  We--David, Baby Gojira, and I--were just thankful to hear Sister Camille. I suppose the real answer will come this coming Sunday, when we get up at the usual time, for the usual 8:35AM broadcast.

                                   If it happens again, we will know this is a change.

                                   One that 1010 WINS should have informed viewers of, in advance!

                                    Looking forward to hearing you this Sunday, Sister Camille!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I feel your pain, it does come as a shock when one of "my" programs moves. Or disappears. And they didn't notify ME lol


  2. Thanks, Victoria! I will let you know how it goes
    this coming Sunday.
