Monday, September 25, 2017

And Now, A Bit Of Rialto Reality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Girls, guess what?  That fine young man, and scion of an acting dynasty, Andrew Keenan-Bolger, is engaged!  To be married!

                                As one who simply adores Andrew and his talented siblings, allow The Raving Queen to congratulate you.  As one who was married, myself, on January 10 of this year, I can tell you two things.  No one here is knocked up--that ship has sailed, honey!  And marriage is not a bit like Sondheim; rather, it soars more into the Romantic realm of Rudolf Friml!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Andrew is engaged to a wonderful man named Scott Bixby.  He happens to be the weekend editor of The Daily Beast!"  Hey, Scott, need a Raving Queen columnist?  The things I can unearth about this town, darling!  Hell,  my life is a gold mine!

                                   Anyway, in keeping with the Keenan-Bolger tradition, this spouse, like Celia's, John Ellison Conlee, is cute, and has killer hair!  The last is very important, because ALL the Keenan-Bolgers have killer hair--where do they get it done?--so it follows suit their spouses better have it, too!

                                   I have no idea when the wedding is, and they probably don't either, but I can tell you, it will be the glamour event of the season!  I would even sing Amy's part in "Getting Married Today," if given enough time to practice!

                                    And take some breaths!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Happy Engagement, Andrew and Scott!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Congratulations, kids!!
    He has the same birthday as Liberace.
    Why I know that, I have no idea. I am full of useless trivia.


  2. Now, that is interesting. I did
    not know that, either.

    I am proud to say I share my
    birthday with one of the orginal
    stars of Sodheim's "Follies--" the late,
    great Dorothy Collins!
