Saturday, September 16, 2017

He Was The Librarian Of Our Dreams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Say that word, "librarian," and, to the thinking populace, two images will come to mind--"Citizen Kane," and Donna Reed in the nightmare sequence of "It's A Wonderful Life."  For male librarians, it is the one in "Sophie's Choice."

                               Dan Cherubin's brilliance as a librarian rested not only on his leadership, intelligence, and humor, but that he defied every stereotype in the book.

                                He was also an LGBT activist, raised by two Mommies--Heather was not the only one, darlings!!!!!!!!--and he spoke out when needed with no apologies for his own sense of self-identity.  Which was one of the traits I admired him for,  That, and him understanding my sensibility, which hovers somewhere between Jacqueline Susann and Jennifer Jones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                To those of us who knew and/or worked with him, the announcement of his passing, earlier this week came as a collective shock.  I had no idea he had been ill, let alone having left the city for suburban Connecticut, to become the head librarian at Wesleyan University, in Middletown.
Which I am sure he did well.  He always did.  Does that mean I could end up at Miss Porter's?  Who knows?

                                 During one of my low periods, in 2001, Dan got me into a book group he not only belonged to, but had founded.  I met many lovely people, whom I still hold dear, and I know they share my sadness over Dan's passing.

                                   Dan had such a sense of humor, a funny outlook, some stories too wild to tell, even on here, but one I will share.

                                    The book group met once a month, at a different host's house.  One month the selection was "The Moor's Last Sigh," by Salman Rushdie.  As good a reader I am, I just could not get through it.  When we finally met, we all discovered each of us had stopped at different points. Only Dan finished the entire book.

                                      He also was not too bad in the kitchen.  I have memories of a casserole he would make that was scrumptious.  What a pair he and Julia Child would have made!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     To honor Dan is to recall all his facets.  Which is why the pic I chose for this tribute is somewhat irreverent.  But I think Dan would like it.  I think he would get it; it is something he would have expected from me.

                                       Dan had his ups and downs, but to lose him this way, too soon, is our own sadness.  I hold many fond memories of Dan, and shall miss him, as I am sure others who knew and loved him will.

                                        He always told me to "Sparkle, Neely, sparkle!"

                                        Now it is his turn to sparkle.  Rest In Peace, Dan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. What a lovely tribute. I read some online, they are all heartfelt.

  2. So sorry for your loss.

    He sounds like the kind of person I wish I'd met.

  3. Victoria,

    I will have to check some of those other
    online tributes. They may have been written by
    people I know.


  4. Darling,
    I am sure you would have loved Dan.

    Had the book club still existed, David and I
    invited us to join. But it petered out somewhere
    around 2012.
