Thursday, September 7, 2017

I Love Nuns! Really, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     What a week it has been!  After having been saved from a near fatal fall by Bernadette and Jennifer Jones riding on my shoulders, you know what TMC ran, the night "American Horror Story: Cult" premiered, to conflict with it?

                                        That is right.  "The Song Of Bernadette."  And I did not watch it.  I truly felt guilty, but, then, that is my Easter film, and one viewing a year is emotionally overwhelming for me.

                                         While reading up on AHS, the morning after the premiere, I found myself wandering, and came upon someone who I thought would make a good Bitch Of The Week.

                                           This is Amanda Krueger, and if the name sounds familiar, it is the reason she has been given The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.   Not because she is a nun, but because of what she gave to the world--Freddy Krueger.

                                             The funny thing is, I have never been into the whole 'Nightmare' series, though Robert Englund is brilliant as Freddy.  But the more grounded in reality aspects of the story I have always preferred, but then the stories go off the rails.

                                              I like the idea of Freddy having been a maladjusted kid who evolves into a sadistic pedophile/serial killer.  The idea of a janitor luring children to a boiler room, in the school where he lives, has a creepy credibility to it.   And so does the angry parental wrath that results in his physical destruction.

                                              But his mother, Amanda, this week's bitch, was a nun who worked in an asylum, and was said to have been raped, one evening by 100 maniacs!   Which is what some school children call Freddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  "Son of 100 Maniacs!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                               You have to see the scene where she is giving birth, and the little baby Freddy, with a perfectly formed mini Robert Englund head, pops out of the womb, lands, and stands up!   What a hoot!

                                                 You have to wonder about Amanda.  How does someone survive an attack like that?  Let alone give birth!  I think she had a bit of the Devil in her.  Or, at least, she was targeted by him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  But she is the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award!  Look what you gave to the world, Amanda!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Put on that hair shirt, at once, darling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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