Saturday, September 2, 2017

Something This Moving Is Worth Repeating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Actually, I cannot recall if I posted this.  Had I done so, it would have been around Christmas time, or the time of Leonard Cohen's passing.

                           This is a children's choir, in Northern Ireland.  Someone took the lyrics to Leonard Cohen's classic song, "Hallelujah!," and put them into a Christmas context.

                           The purity of this child's voice, and the innocence she projects would have been remarkable in any context.  Add to this that she is autistic, and you have someone handed a terrible burden, but a gift that will not be interfered with by said burden.

                              All of which is both moving and inspirational.  Worth hearing again.

                              Here it is, everyone!  Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I have looked after several autistic/aspergers children over the years; they are perfect, in God's eyes. Mine too. : ))


  2. This was so touching, I
    just had to share. The artistry
    is dazzling.
