Thursday, September 28, 2017

This Dead Bitch Deserved To Hear His Victim's Impact Stement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Dennis Earl Bradford, this week's winner of The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, is a mystery, which is why I always want to know the back story of killers.

                                 On August 20, 1990, the then 20-year-old loser, was driving about town, and came upon this not so great apartment complex.  Peering into the open window of one of the first floor places, he saw then eight-year-old Jennifer Schuett.  He abducted her; when the child came to, frightened, in his arms, he told her he was an undercover police officer.  This kid was not dumb enough to believe that.  And she was right.

                                  Because this sick fuck took this kid to an open field, near Dickinson, Texas, where he raped her, slit her throat, and left her for dead.

                                   The good news is that Jennifer survived, and went on to live as full and satisfying a life, given her earlier circumstances.

                                     For twenty years, police did not catch this guy, and Jennifer desperately wanted them to.  Twenty years later, thanks to DNA advances, Dennis was apprehended at his home in North Little Rock, Arkansas.  The now forty-year-old welder, was married, with three stepsons.
What a pig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       It gets better.  Under interrogation, Bradford delivers an Oscar worthy performance of breaking down in remorse, and relief at the news that Jennifer was alive.  By the way, a year before Jennifer, he had been apprehended for abducting, sexually assaulting, and almost killing a young woman in Arkansas.  This helped lead to Dennis' conviction for Jennifer.

                                       I suppose there must have been some kind of remorse, on his part, because, before Jennifer could deliver her impact statement, Bradford hanged himself in his cell.  This was back in 2010.

                                       What I want to know is--where were his parents?  why did no one talk to them?  And how about his upbringing?  Education, or lack of it?  And, if he had done this to the Arkansas woman in 1996, and Jennifer, a year later, I am almost certain he had done this to others.
Who are now out there, unknown victims.

                                         Thanks to suicide, these answer may never be known.  What is known is that Dennis Earl Bradford was one sick bitch!  This is you last distinction, Dennis!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          And, I, for one, do not buy your crocodile tears act!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I am trying not to waste any more time trying to understand why people act and talk and think the way they do.
    In the world and in my own personal life.


  2. It can drive one crazy, I agree,
    but in cases like this, I always want
    to know.
