Thursday, October 26, 2017

As A Couple, They Were Like The Lunts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Well, not quite.  Yes, Gerald Lesk, and his wife, Kristen Shuman, were arts oriented, had performed, danced, and cared deeply about the arts and all they represent.  They were not the Lunts, but as professional as non-professionals could get!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Kris, whom I met in 1981, when I began working at LPA, is, happily still with us.  The sadness is that her husband left us way too early, at, I think, 68, and that his departure came all too, soon (after just five days) following the departure of our beloved George Mayer.

                                     This is the fourth tribute I have written this year to someone I know who has died.  I want you to know it does not get any easier.

                                      As I got to know Kris, I got to know Gerry, whose humor and wit were refreshing.  There was no denying he had good looks--you had to be blind, darlings, not to notice--but his personality and sparkling wit overshadowed all.  In time, he became a part of the beloved Mermaid Parade Group, and it is sad to me, how slowly this little contingent is breaking up.  Coney Island will still go on, the Parachute Jump will stand in all its glory, but, for me, the place will never be quite the same.

                                     Even when we went to Child's this past September, I remarked how funny it was Kris and Gerry were not here.  They were missed, as they should have been there.  Besides, I would love to hear what Gerry would have thought of the renovated--but not too appealing--Child's.

                                      I cannot get over Gerry's passing, and feel so deeply for Kris at this time.  My fondest wish for them both is for them to return to the happiness shown in this photo.

                                       Gerry brought humor and happiness wherever he went.  May he rest in peace.

                                       And may you find comfort, Kris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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