Sunday, October 1, 2017

Can You Believe, Darlings, It Is Now October?????????????????????

                                       Julie Andrews turns 82 today, and, sometime this month, our beloved Sister Camille turns 80!

                                       October also means a visit to the dentist, which I dread, and the possibility of cooler, cozier weather.

                                         The SVU season has been kicked in, and more is expected from "American Horror Story:  Cult!"  I am telling you, I am feeling like Sarah Paulson, as Ally, right now; I am beginning to see clown imagery in the most unusual places.

                                          October is the month I first saw "A Chorus Line."

                                           And, of course, Halloween tops things off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           So, everyone have a great October, and let's see what transpires on here!

                                           One never knows, do one???????????????????

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