Monday, October 9, 2017

Here's The Lowdown On Harvey Weinstein!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               It is now official.  The Divine MERYL has weighed in on Mr. Weinstein, calling his behavior "disgraceful."  I agree.

                              But the biggest surprise of all, for me, at least, in this media debacle, is that I thought Harvey Weinstein was gay.  He just gave that off.  OK, so he is straight.  That does not make it any better or worse.  Wait.  Worse would be if they dig deep enough, and find out he is a great big closet case!  That would not surprise me, at all.

                               Sexual harassment in Hollywood has been around long since....Hollywood.  Even before David O. Selznick.

                                Now, here is the difference between gay and straight men.  If a gay man is ugly, and cannot land a man, he simply retreats into spinsterhood, and becomes an embittered queen.  I know.  I came very close.

                                 If a straight man is ugly, like Weinstein, but lacks income, living in White Trash places like rural Pennsylvania, or Appalachia, they don't stand a chance.  So they drink, and pork fat women; you know, Mama June types.  Because they aren't any better.

                                 For ugly straight men with incomes like Harvey Weinstein, the ante goes up.  Because of the money, they feel they can grab at anything that otherwise would not give them the time of day.  And they do.  The mistake they all make is they think they can get away with it.  During Hollywood's Golden Age, maybe.  But not in today's acute political climate.  Nor should they get  away with it.

                                 Go through Weinstein's dresser, and one will find stolen, crotchless panties, I am sure.

                                 I can think of no greater punishment for Weinstein's misdeeds, along with jail and disgrace, than being locked alone in a room, tied to a chair, with Joan Didion, across from him, glowering at him, and reading aloud from her complete oeuvre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 That would fix him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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