Wednesday, October 25, 2017

I Am So Sick Of Subway Bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              No, I am not writing my Bitch Of The Week column, earlier, though I very well could.  This shot comes from a video where this woman was mad dogging this guy to the point where he just slapped her across the face!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And, I am telling you, she deserved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               On Monday, I had to do a Manhattan run, for a doctor visit and prescription. Which is one way of explaining why I have not been on here, lately.

                                 Anyway, I was seated in the front of my car, reading my current book, which happens to be "Modern Lovers," by Emma Straub (Peter's daughter!) when I heard a verbal exchange that went from loud to raucous.

                                  As best as I know, this is what happened--

                                  In  the back of the car, sitting across from one another, was an Hispanic woman and her child, who was toddler age, and a man--I am not sure what ethnicity, but he was in his 30's or 40's.  Something was said, and it had to be the man, because the woman was the one who yelled back at him, "Mind your own fucking business!"  He tried to quietly explain his viewpoint, but she kept screaming that phrase, coupled with the "f" word, with the kid, beside her!  Great example for a child!  Things got worse when the man, trapped in his seat, kept getting furiously hit by the woman, with what I believe was her purse.  At this point, people in my area stood up; one moved down to try and intervene.  I even yelled out, "Hey, lady, that's assault, you know!" but she was so into her own rant she did not hear me or anyone.  I don't recall when things settled down, but they did, though not before many in the back of the car moved to the front!  I could not blame them!

                                I kept praying for these two to just get off the train.  They must, at some point, but I could not say where. And they were deadly quiet after that.  Maybe someone had threatened, or actually did, call the cops!

                                 More and more, I see stuff like this happening on trains!  What is wrong with these people?  I used to ride the trains at all hours, never feeling unsafe.  Today, though it is true I am much older, I fear going into Manhattan, because who knows what kind of outbreak there will be??????????

                                I don't mind the homeless, or the do-wop quartets.  The latter are friendly and quite refreshing.  But I am sick of these street mamas, probably crack ho's who parade about mad dogging guys, and cursing in front of their child.

                               They should have their own separate car.  What used to be called a paddy wagon!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Hitting, yelling, name-calling; sounds like a day with my preschoolers.
    At least my little ones don't curse.


  2. was grownups behaving
    like preschoolers. The child
    actually said nothing. Probably
    terrified of her mother. If
    Mom is like this in public,
    how about home. I see a visit
    from OCS in their future!

    I used to love the block of
    reading time subway riding gave
    me. Now it is constantly interrupted.
    Though I have gotten so I can read
    right through it.
