Sunday, October 1, 2017

I Cannot Believe I Have Never Seen This Before!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  I had no idea I was in for a such a bitchfest, when we stayed to see Bette Davis' 1940 movie, "The Letter," which was her 43rd movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   This shot is impressive enough, but, girls, in this film I saw something I never thought I would see.

                                     Gladys Cooper comes very close to stealing 1942's "Now, Voyager," away from Bette.  Her famous fall down the stairs does, but, for the most part, she holds her own with Davis.

                                       "The Letter" offers something rarely seen in a Davis film--the star getting her comeuppance, as well as killed.  And the picture stolen completely from under her, by Hollywood's premiere Eurasian bitch, Gale Sondergaard, just a Swedish girl from Minnesota, with exotic looks!

                                          As Mrs. Hammond, wife of the husband Bette kills, when he spurns her adulterous advances,  Sondergaard barely moves, says a word, or blinks an eye.  But the implacable evil and sense of righteous revenge she projects throughout, not to mention having the best costumes and jewelry in the film, makes her a standout.

                                          Oh, my God, when Bette opens the door, and the knife is gone, I knew who took it.  I could not wait for the big Bette-Gale showdown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Despite the way I am describing it, this is a straightforward, serious treatment of a W. Somerset Maugham story.  The novelty of seeing someone actually steal a movie from Bette Davis doing so little, so brilliantly, is as shocking as the story itself.

                                             Davis, of course was Oscar nominated, but Sondergaard, who had won four years before, as Best Supporting Actress, in "Anthony Adverse" (beating out Bonita Granville in "These Three!!!!!!!!!!!!") should have been nominated, as well.  I wonder if she was seen for Mrs. Danvers, when "Rebecca" was being cast?  Not that I would exchange Judith Anderson, but Sondergaard here demonstrates she has the mojo for that role, as well.

                                              She is truly the reason to see "The Letter!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                               What a memorable Yom Kippur!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Love that publicity photo! Once Gale walks thru those beaded curtains, everyone in the audience forgets Bette for the remainder of the movie. One of the all-time greatest "character entrances" in Hollywood history. She completely steals the movie out from under Davis, by sheer force of facial expression.

    Such hatred! Such contempt! Such bitterness! Such fury!(All justified: Bette did pointlessly murder her husband out of mindless pique).

    Yet Gale never blinks, moves her eyes, or speaks (aside from muttering a few words in Malay that no one really can hear or understand). Bette sees the implacable mask of revenge and justice coming for her, and the tale's end is pre-ordained.

    Brava, Gale. Brava!


  2. Gale's work here epitomizes the adage,
    "there are no small parts, only small actors!"
