Monday, October 9, 2017

Let's Hope I Can Convey This, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          I have been meaning to share this with you, for some time now.  Yes, that is Bette Davis in 'Baby Jane,' and it plays a part here, but is not central to this post.

                          In a series of edited snippets, similar to "Liza Vs. Carol," there is one called "Serial Mom Has Three Way Cuss Fight With Bette Davis And Joan Crawford." It is on YouTube, and if I can bring it up, it is hilarious!!!!!!!  Especially Kathleen Turner in what is probably her best film role!

                           Just bring it  up on YouTube, and bring some laughter into your day.

                           And don't dare go out of the house, looking like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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